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You can book me for a diversity of events if you want an evocative ambiance. 
Whatever the occasion is, I am completely in my part and will make sure to make
it memorable and atmospheric to suit any festive occasion. 
Please contact me with your request, and for more information on my repertoire.


It has been a long time coming for Rasmussen who as a teen endlessly got lost in the depth and soulfulness of Billie Holiday´s vocal style. Her ability to identify with the legend`s raw, honest passion, was deeply-rooted inspiring her to sing the jazz classics at an early age.

Inherently a jazz purist in every imaginable way, it seems incredible that today Rasmussen is just now blossoming into one of the more talented newcomers in the Copenhagen Jazz scene, she is truly a hidden gem.

Finally performing the jazz classics she grew up adoring, Rasmussen shines as she smoothly sways between soft sensuality, a warm playfulness, and quiet sophistication, sure to entice.



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I like the depth of jazz. I like to tell a story, to touch people, you know, for people to have a good feeling when watching me perform. This is what makes me happy. That´s why I do it, I feel like I can be me where I can show bits and pieces of my heart and soul”

— Helle Rasmussen

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Upcoming events

Previous events

Helle Rasmussen Trio, Christmas celebrations

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Helle Rasmussen Trio spiller en intim lille koncert som får dig i den rette stemning op til jul. Repertoiret byder på jule klassikere, jazz standards og et lille udvalg af danske viser af bl.a. Kai Normann Andersen og Karen Jønsson. Line-up: Vokal - Helle Rasmussen

Trommer - Mikkel Wilstrup

Guitar - Marc Chain

Begrænset antal pladser, vi anbefaler du booker bord det er dog også muligt at sidde i baren. Entre 100,- Se mindre

Entry fee 100,- Kr

We are thrilled to announce that we will be giving a concert after 5 months lockdown.

We have put together a new repertoire, a beautiful mix of jazz, soul and blues.

Make sure to book your table now and don´t miss out!

Vocal - Helle Rasmussen

Upright bass - Niels Wilhelm Knudsen

Guitar - Mikkel Hermansen

Entry fee 100,- Kr